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Handing Over Everything

Limits are important.  I will never think that having limits makes someone weak, or boring.  I myself have own share of them, some out of preference, and some for psychological reasoning that I simply need to keep out of my play to have me stay happy and content while with another person.

I am always sure to consider someone else's limits when playing with them, so they can stay comfortable with me, and know they will be just as respected and I would want from them.

When I have a more "permanent" dynamic though, I hand myself over, limits and all.

I know, I know, cue the no-limit slave arguments.

Seriously though, who is going to cut off someone's arm?  Or who would give themselves to someone where that might be a concern?  If you're going to engage in a serious dynamic, I would hope that you've spent the time to build respect between each other, developed trust, and care deeply about one another.

And part of that means even surrendering your limits to them.

I expect it even from those I own, it doesn't just go one way.

I need to know you trust me that much.  Likewise, I need to trust someone that completely to let someone own me.  I need to feel comfortable putting my limits aside for someone.

And the domlyone in a dynamic should have enough respect for the submissive involved not to take advantage of that.

Certain limits of mine will give me panic attacks.  Full on panic attacks that will leave me mentally broken, and not in a sexy way.  I expect anyone I would surrender to, to understand this, but know that with good enough reason, they could use this for training, or similar purpose.  At the same time, I would hope they know that at the end of it I will need time alone to work my head back together, and then time with them to know that everything is still okay, and that I am still cared for, and respected.

There's so much more to being dommypants than getting what you want.  You've got another person in your hands, to care for.  You need to respect them, while directing them, and making them blossom.  And sometimes that means doing what you want, but you need consider their well-being the entire time, and the balance between.

If I know someone is going to care that much, and is willing to take me on as theirs, they deserve that complete surrender, and I will do everything I can to show how grateful I am for it.
At the same time, I would hope someone would feel the same in my hands.  It's an amazingly empowering thing.
