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Why I Come With a Disclaimer

Thrax used to just call me a tank.

I can take a hell of a beating, and enjoy every second of it.
No, really.  To the point where people watching would fear that I would have serious injury or death, and a minute or so later, I'd completely walk it off like it never happened.

Most sadists try to call my bluff, and I've wound up wearing out more than one without coming close to my limit.

To top it off, it takes a lot to mark me up, and I heal incredibly quickly.

I was made for pain.

Do I expect anyone else to take the amount of pain I do?  Oh fuck no.  I'd never have anyone take the beating I can, and it often keeps me from indulging in my own sadistic desires, because I crave someone with my own tolerance to rip to shreds.
And I don't fault anyone with a lower tolerance than myself.  I'm fairly numb to sensation because of my high pain tolerance.  We all have our strengths, and quirks, and things that can make each of us fun to play with.

Now, I tend to say that I come with a warning label.  Why?  Because there has been more than a few occasions where someone who I had been playing with will have a different partner, and whether actively playing with pain or not, will be so used to using the amount of force they do with me, and immediately go way past their limit.  I joke that playing with me creates the risk that they may accidentally kill their next partner.  I'm not quite sure how much of it is a joke.

It's a lot of trust to put in the sadist I play with.  Convincing yourself that you can use as much force as I can take, getting comfortable there, and seeing how much I enjoy it, and how I can float along in the endorphins.  Completely letting the sadist off the leash, and knowing I won't break, run, or fear.
Then they find their next victim, and have to remove that from their minds.

Shortening that leash, remembering to take care, and how limited they are, after being able to tire themselves out.  And yes, as a sadist I do believe that while it is more about hurting the person at all than causing as much pain as I possibly can, trusting yourself to reign it all in again is difficult.

If I am playing as a middle, or a second bottom, I fully understand if I won't be getting hurt.  There is so much on the line for anyone that would be beating me to be able to calibrate between bottoms, that I will often step aside for the safety of play as a whole.  Because I hear how others go too hard on those they play with after me, and the after effects.  The last thing I want to see is a sadist swing at another bottom with the same force they do me, due to not adjusting, and have them get seriously hurt.

I'd blame myself.  For not speaking up, or stepping aside, or figuring out one of infinite safer options for all of us.

It's a big thing to understand on everyone's part, and something I have to put a lot of trust in someone over.

So, yes, I am a tank.  Made of steel, and given mutant healing.
And with great power, comes great responsibility.
