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Green Light

So, I thought I would go about something completely different than what I've been writing about lately, and just enjoy thinking about the things that turn me on.

A post about being entirely shallow, and listing off things that will drop the panties I don't even wear.

I'm just going to be listing off a lot of these, but some might get a bit of explanation, or be expanded upon.

Men in suits.  Well fitted ones, and the knowledge of how to wear it.

Dress shirts, with the sleeves rolled up.  Makes it look like a man can be ready to get his hands dirty while still looking sharp.

Men in just jeans and no shirt.  Preferably while doing some sort of manly labor, like chopping firewood.  So I can perv over visible muscle tone.

My favorite body parts on a guy are definitely the back, shoulders, and arms.  Dear sweet gods if a man has a nice back I will chain him down somewhere and not let him go until I've raped him nearly dead.

A man's gotta be at least a foot taller than me and have a hundred pounds on me to even get my attention.  Any smaller and I'm constantly afraid I'll snap you in half like a twig.

Dimples, cause dimples.

Voices.  I have crushes on just the voices of a few people.  If you turn on something with them talking, you can practically watch me soak my jeans.  It's bad.

Intelligence.  If I cannot discuss random theories, play with odd ideas, and have in depth conversation with you, you won't keep my attention for more than a moment.  If you inspire me to learn more (and I always have an itch to learn normally) It instantly makes you about a thousand times sexier.

Tattoos.  Self expression, and a love of art is just hot.

Making mischief, and not drama means we can be partners in crime, then fuck on the sidelines after watching the explosions.

Armour.  Because if you're in it, I assume you can take a beating, and well, that's important.

Assertiveness.  This is one of the sexiest qualities a man can have, and something I absolutely need in a mate, no matter what side of the exchange they're on.  A submissive who isn't afraid to put their desires out there or state what they need lets me know they trust me, and then the ball is in my court of whether or not to fulfill their request, and a dominant who will simply take what they want, or tell me what is going to happen without worrying about crossing lines will absolutely keep me from trying to pull shit and just not bothering to submit.

Honesty.  I am honest to a fault, and don't hide anything.  A man who can do that with me without being in a relationship first earns my trust, and that means being able to have so much more naked funtimes.

Adventurousness.  If you are willing to try new things with me, and learn, and experience, I will show you as much as I can, and then we'll adventure together, and that's about as intimate as it gets.

Nerds are hot.

So, yea.  If you can manage all of that, I'm pretty sure you'd manage to make me cum without even getting my clothes off.
