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A Year to Learn From

It's a normal thing for me to look back near the end of the year and think about everything that I've learned.


This year I learned that:

  • A downside of having old friends means they may get "old" faster than you do, and it's not a bad thing, but means they are not meant to stay in your life any longer.
  • People with addictive personalities will treat you like shit in order to act in the way they are used to.  Those new behaviors will then become habit, and they will always treat you like shit.
  • Many people who either marry early, or do not keep up a social circle that changes, will stop maturing emotionally.  This becomes difficult to deal with as they get older.
  • Toxic people will always be toxic.  Random better treatment is a fluke.
  • Keep the people in your life that kick you in the ass to be inspired, always tell the truth, and go along with your random ideas.
  • People do not know how to process something outside of their "normal".  It becomes and issue to remember to be yourself, and not just change to make everyone more comfortable.
  • Always be yourself.  Never lose even the slightest bit of yourself due to who is around you.
  • Fight for things important to you.  Don't give up on them, and don't give in, no matter who the opposing party is.
  • Regular snuggles are vital for happiness.
