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Shelf life

A few weeks ago, Lux brought up a thought he'd had about power exchange.  Who the responsibility belongs to start it, and which party should keep it going.  He said the answer of both is a cop out, but it's probably the most honest.

Domlyfolk need to acknowledge the submission of their property.  Even if they aren't always actively taking control, they need to see that those actions are present, and make their findings known.  Simple affirmations can be enough, just to encourage it to keep going, without spouting orders and punishment.

Likewise, the submissive needs to keep in mind their little rules.  Asking permission, small acts of service, verbal reminders, all work to keep the domlyfolk happy, and able to keep the exchange in mind. 

A smoothly working power exchange doesn't need to always be in focus to be present, but the actions should continue on all parts involved.  No need for constant kneeling, orders, or grand expression.  They're fun yes, and they do well to keep things in check when necessary, but small actions from both sides, that keeps it working long term.

And sometimes, things falter.  One side is busy, or stressed, or life gets in the way.  And the other side might feel like giving up.  It is the responsibility of both parties to say if they can put it aside for a while, or if trying to keep going will help or hinder.
Every exchange can only be put aside for so long though.  After so long you have to start from scratch, or need to find an entirely new dynamic with how you've changed over that break.  These aren't really the fault of either party, but it can be troublesome. 

Remembering how centering exchange is though, and expressing it and your appreciation for your partner can be the most empowering thing to a dynamic possible.
