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Not so Unnecessary

I read an article the other day that said the women no longer need to have periods because of all the advances in birth control.  That they serve no purpose, and that are completely unnecessary now.

After I had the beast, I was pretty hardcore into my research on birth control.  I looked up every option out there for what I thought was best for me.  I decided on the paraguard IUD, for many reasons, the main one of which was because I wanted to continue to have my period.  I wanted that monthly reminder that I wasn't pregnant, and to be able to more carefully keep track of my cycle and my body.

My cousin, years ago, decided to just skip her placebo week on the pill.  She hopped from new pack to new pack, and stayed on those pills for a few years.  Eventually, she went off of them, because she was having a small health issue and the doctor recommended it.  It's been almost a decade since then, and she's never had a period.  Her reproductive system shut down, and now she has to be examined regularly to be sure everything is working correctly.

The body needs that hormonal cycle on some level.  To clean the organs, and keep everything functioning.  Sure, for many of us it's a necessary evil that we despise every month, but I'll continue doing my dance of no more babies every time it shows up.
