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Shy on Snuggles

Last weekend was a faire I was dancing at, and Lux went to fight and see friends.  It was also a really long week prior to.  Lux will be travelling far away for work in a month, and things with his family were a bit stressful, as well as things at home being difficult for me.

We both have somewhat different circles at this faire.  Where Lux is good friends with all the fighters, I've become friends with the other dancers, vendors and performers over time, so we wind up doing very different things during the day.  This resulted in both of us having a very different days, that were less relaxing than we'd expected them to be.

Lux saw a lot of his old partners, and there is a ton of things going on with all of them, Most of which were either creating stress in their lives, or frustrating for him.  And after they'd all expressed interest in playing, they all bailed.  Had I not been so busy as well during the day (with things I intend to write about later) I would have made sure to spend more time with him, and knowing more of what was going on, as it was happening.

As is, we got in very little time together, and no time just for snuggles itself.  Even while talking to a friend of ours, we admitted that we won't have any time together that isn't at an event until the winter, which kind of sucks, because we could both use that time to just relax.

It was the kind of weekend where even though we were both doing things we enjoy, it wasn't relaxing, and didn't give us that happy time together we normally get.

Hopefully we get it before he leaves, because I sure could use some more snuggles with cute boys.
