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Finally Motivating

The other day I managed to hit a point that took me way too long to get to.  I finally finished drawing all the pages for what will be a published coloring book (still need to do the last bits, but the hard part is done!).  

And seeing myself get the sketch done on that last page, I felt myself wanting to keep going.  Get the inking done, and pictures scanned and cleaned, and get it available for the public.  To get to move onto the next one, just to see if I can get that done faster, and have it look even better.

It was a great motivator for me.  I'm still not getting everything done day to day that I want to, but I'm feeling drive to do more, instead of having to tell myself.  Drive to do more for people.  To take on more projects, and complete things I have in mind.

I'm the kind of person that has trouble getting started until I feel progress.  And once I do have that sense that I'm actually getting somewhere, I'll plow through.

I'm building my own positivity in a very dark place.  It's hard, and it isn't much, but it is definitely a real step in the right direction.
