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Inspired by Being Overrun

After so many posts about the workings of my brain lately, it's time for a real world update.

I've moved out of the apartment with Thrax.  I couldn't stand being there anymore, with him either ignoring me, being an ass, moments of being apologetic, and hearing how insecure his girl is.  I have moved back in with my parents (I know, I said I wouldn't) because three weeks of not talking to them was a reality check that they needed.

They're actually being encouraging, though my father is still fairly clueless about my life.  It's not something I'm surprised about, but so far they're being much better than they ever have been.

I'm also swamped with projects, be it sewing, drawing, crochet, or chain maille.  I love being able to hop between mediums, and stay inspired to work on all of it.  April is entirely devoted to getting through as much as possible, because I've got quite a few performances in May.

Being back here also lets me start teaching again.  I've got a few students, who I hope to have up to speed enough to perform a full improv set themselves by Lakewood in September.

It's gonna be fun!

I'm actually able to be social, and live the life I want here, as much as I was limited before.  Right now, it's fantastic.

I was even able to spend a few days up north with my family up there.  It's something I would have never been able to do before I had moved out, and it's a great change to actually have freedom while here.

I'll have something more fun in a few days, promise.
