I've mentioned how Pyre and Lux are going through a lot of stuff right now. There's chaos on all sides of my polycule, and it's creating a lot of stress.
Kitty has been using what time he can to help with Pyre, and I've been trying to give him time and presence through it to process things. Also discussing my view on the situation as a whole. He's been helping Pyre, because they're living together, and she's his partner.
I've also been talking a lot with Pyre through everything. Even though she doesn't effect the stability or health of my relationships, she's still important to one of my important people, and someone I know would be a good friend regardless of us having a mutual partner.
Side notes: When Thrax was trying to win over Bit, I didn't approve of her at all. She had no ambition, no respect, and barely took care of herself. If Thrax wasn't trying to get into her pants, I never would have given her the time of day, and Thrax was constantly using his shitty excuse for power exchange to force me to do for her.
However, I outwardly offered in this, and that's the difference. We had a lunch date the other day, talking about things going on, and trying to give input and perspective. We both agreed at the same time, that it was fun, and needs to happen more.
We giggled about this, because it means I'll probably have Hangouts dates with her as often as I do my own partner.
Speaking of that, I was catching Kitty up about everything with Lux while we were talking. He immediately said that while he wasn't sure he was on that list of trusted people, he would be a third party to talk to if necessary.
The last couple weeks make me really happy that I have this healthy of a polycule. It has it's issues, and it isn't perfect, but it is made of strong, supportive pillars that all want to build upon each other. Every single one of us has our own brainbugs, but together, I think we're doing this poly thing pretty damn well.
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