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Why I Will Never be Popular on the Internet

Along with my blog here, I have a Tumblr which I post to frequently.  There's a good amount of nerdy stuff and silly things, but it's mostly porn.

And by porn, I mean violence and power exchange.

Even though I've been posting to the blog for well over a year, I have a relatively small number of followers, especially compared to Lux, who posts far less frequently, but sees much more activity buzzing from his blog.

And, it never surprises me as to why. 

I'm straight.  And there is this insanely common fantasy for men to pay significantly more attention to bisexual girls, in hopes of threesomes.  This goes to the point where partners in the past have tried to ignore my sexuality, or force me to have sex with women.  It seems as though folks on the internet have a fixation with group sex.

Also, I am very realistic in my sex and thoughts.  I don't want humilitation, or to be degraded and compared.  It seriously fucks me over mentally, because of past shit that my mind still hasn't worked on.  For me, partners should always bring each other up, and because sex naturally fires off so many bonding hormones, it can only help that strengthen.  Either way, I'm not going bring myself down to make anyone's dick rise.

I also don't post pictures of my tits all over the internet.  This is a very obvious way to gain followers, and I'm not going to post anything unless I'm completely comfortable.

If people don't want to enjoy pure violence, snuggles, happy power exchange, and silliness, then they can go find a less fun corner of the internet. 
