I mentioned how my friend last weekend decided to piss off Lux last weekend in the middle of a story.
The story was about a friend of his, who is transitioning, and he finds their new behviours as they try to as their new gender to be unattractive. He was explaining this, as it was appropriate to a picture he had seen, where he saw a woman to be attractive, but her body language wasn't, and this transitioning friend is frequently pushing a lot of the same habits and postures.
My friend, before Lux even finished the story, started accusing Lux as being transphobic, shoving the idea down his throat without actually listening to him. Needless to say, the judgement like that had Lux upset, and then she decided to go on about how she had to learn to profile people as a defense mechanism, and in a most condescending way told Lux he "was still a good person".
Hence, going upstairs for cathartic sex shortly afterward.
The next day, on the Tumbls, she decided to post a long generalized rant about how Lux was a shitty person (of course not actually naming him) and how he should be better than that. And it reminded me of the fiasco at Flea two years ago. With one of Lux's friends posting to Fet about how he had beaten her to tears and left her sobbing on the floor, when I was two feet away, and she was fine, constantly saying she was good as we checked in, and then told me later that day that he could have gone harder. I wanted to kick the shit out of her, and it made me want to flip on my own friend to because of how wrong she was in this case.
To make matters worse, the day after that, another rant was posted about how if you dislike anything or anyone it is the result of phobia or prejudice, and you should get over your brain issues to become a better person.
That's like saying my heterosexuality is a mental illness that I need to "cure".
Hi, that's about the same logic my ex tried to force on me, and he was just an emotionally abusive douchebag.
This friend is incredibly introverted and avoids people at all costs. She admits to having learning problems, and has issues with things that are signs of normal brain function. She had a family that wasn't picture perfect, and claims she was victim to a ton of emotional abuse, that when she explains to me just shows that she never actually thought for herself growing up.
Sorry, you never became a strong person. You just went from obeying the thoughts of your elders, to obeying the thoughts of who you thought were supposed to be better role models. There is never any logic in your rants, and you bring up these vehement, but halfhearted claims of abusive behaviour at every turn. You obviously need to expose yourself to more thought processes, and work through your own mind before you start pushing judgements on others, and maybe start actually listening to them too.
Accusing everyone of -isms and prejudice and throwing judgement at them is bigotry too. And it's why the internet hates most feminists. Congrats, you're just as bad as the people you try to push down. Aren't you proud.
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