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Strangely Opposite

Randomly, I clicked on a video from one of the Green brothers.  Something titled about how to get boys to like you, and I was curious about if they would make something up, or try to go very scientific about it.

Well, they started spouting out about habits in different cultures throughout time.  Things about neck rings, foot binding, corsets, and the like.  The emphasis women have put on their appearance to attract a mate, and it's ridiculousness.  That we don't necessarily look for traits in women that would make them a capable and hard working mate, but simply something attractive for men.

Which is funny, because I'd been thinking about just that on and off lately.

Humans are one of very few creatures where the women is expected to put more emphasis on image to attract a male.  In the vast majority of species, the male has more features to try and attract women.  Brighter colors, larger features, and more vibrant and catchy appearance, just to get the attention of females.  Males are meant more for protection, and breeding, where women do most of the work with everything, looking just for the male to be a good mate.

And for a long time in society, women were much more of a creature just to tend to a home, and continue our species.  Completely the opposite of so much of the world.  However, as time goes on, in our modern day, we have women fighting to fit more into that idea of many other species.  We not only tend to the home, in many cases women bring in more money, work just as hard, or harder, and want to be as strong as possible.

We're approaching a time where we are becoming more unique in that humans are striving for equality among all beings.  And I think one of the processes to reach that is to stop expecting women to put so much work on their appearance just for attracting a mate (do that shit for yourself though) and allow men to do much less when they are trying to pick up women. 

We should all strive to look clean and strong and attractive for ourselves, and then it'll help us to find mates without going out of our way just to feel appealing to society, but not put all that weight onto one group.
