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Showing posts from July, 2014

Actual Updates!

I've managed to get to the end of all my pre-typed, and scheduled posts, hooray! This last weekend, I spent with Lux at his place.  We both went into it with the intention of violence, snuggles, productivity, and obscene amounts of sex.  He however, was under a ton of stress with everything going on in the next couple weeks, that it turned into more just productivity, some sex, and a lot of snuggling. To be honest though, I enjoyed it all the same.  It was a fantastic escape right after my birthday, and I got to help him get through a lot of things he needed to do.  We'll find time to get around to the violence soon, as it's much more a case of needing to get free time, rather than finding the desire at this point.  He gave me some wonderful gifts (some of which I unfortunately already had, but oh well, he can enjoy them himself) and I saw the chain piece he is making for me, which while still in progress looks gorgeous, and I can't wait to see it finished. ...

Brain Blocks

I don't really have terribly many limits.  Of course there are the standard ones that most people have, things like kids, animals, and serious permanent damage.  I find that my limits tend to be a bit off from most others though.  I can take a downright serious amount of pain and force compared to the vast majority of people, don't mind things like cutting, or blood, or being bound for long amounts of time.  In fact, I love all of those things. So, I thought I would explain why I have the limits I do have, because they tend to be a bit surprising considering all the things I do enjoy. Pinching- I can take thuddy pain for a good while, and if you keep moving around and giving areas a rest, I can go even longer.  Stingy pain I can take, but not for anywhere near as long, but pinching seriously fucks me up.  I once had someone punching, grabbing, slapping and tearing at me for over an hour and felt nowhere near my limit, then they put a handful of plastic ...

Weird Things That Make me Feel Weird Pt 4

I'm realizing, that I have quite a few of these posts at this point.  Oh well, bring on the weird! So, this is less "normal" of a thing, but something that I find surprises everyone that I mention it to.  To the point where I have been told to judge actions not on my own opinion, but on something else entirely, dependent on this.  I still don't understand why, and I likely never will, but that is beside the point. I have mentioned here before that I could easily be classified as a nymphomaniac on some area of the spectrum.  While I'm not constantly looking for someone who would fit the bill of a willing partner, I do constantly want to fuck, or fool around with the people I do enjoy as a partner. What I don't crave though? I honestly never crave cumming, or orgasm. I find so much enjoyment from just the interactions with a fun partner.  Hearing their breathing changes, and the sounds they make, feeling their skin against mine, and grasping at their bo...

Green Light

So, I thought I would go about something completely different than what I've been writing about lately, and just enjoy thinking about the things that turn me on. A post about being entirely shallow, and listing off things that will drop the panties I don't even wear. I'm just going to be listing off a lot of these, but some might get a bit of explanation, or be expanded upon. Men in suits.  Well fitted ones, and the knowledge of how to wear it. Dress shirts, with the sleeves rolled up.  Makes it look like a man can be ready to get his hands dirty while still looking sharp. Men in just jeans and no shirt.  Preferably while doing some sort of manly labor, like chopping firewood.  So I can perv over visible muscle tone. My favorite body parts on a guy are definitely the back, shoulders, and arms.  Dear sweet gods if a man has a nice back I will chain him down somewhere and not let him go until I've raped him nearly dead. A man's gotta be at least a fo...

Weird Things That Make me Feel Weird Pt 3

Back to this series of thoughts that seems to be coming up a lot recently, I feel like I need to expand on something I just touched on in one of my past posts. And it's something that honestly makes me feel in the minority of all the people I talk to and my circles of friends.  It has a lot of confusion surrounding it, so I'll try to explain it all as best I can. I am absolutely mono-amorous.  And yes, I need to specify it that way. Why? Because I'm poly-sexual. Now, what the fuck does all that mean?  Why can't I just say I'm monogamous? Well, because I'm not. One of the biggest things Thrax had an issue with was the fact that I simply wasn't poly-amorous.  He would argue with me that it was the "natural" state of being, and that all people were, but were too pressed by society to attempt it. Well, you know, if I was so worried about society, I wouldn't have a mohawk, or genital piercings, or tattoos, or love being beaten, and tea...

Black and Blue

I see pictures all over the fet, and blogs almost constantly of the bruises people are proud of from their scenes.  These can vary from a few popped vessels, to a solid purple patch the size of my hand. And, to be honest, I question all of it.  I'm never sure if it's due to the fact that they bruise easily, or what their pain tolerance is, or what makes them mark up the way they do.  I personally don't mark up terribly easily on most of my person, unless you're using enough force to actually hurt me, which makes things convenient, and helps me not look like I'm in a constant state of fending off attempted murder. So, I looked it all up.  I researched what makes some people bruise more easily than others, and why certain body parts are likely to bruise with little effort compared to others. You know, for SCIENCE! Because I would never use this information to my own advantage. Now, what a bruise is exactly, is damaged capillary vessels under the skin, which l...

Uncommon Affection

So, yes, I'm the kind of person that enjoys a lot of snuggles with certain people. There are only a few people I actually enjoy having contact with, so when I find one, I tend to be very touchy-feely with them. However, this is just me simply keeping myself normalized with contact, and isn't really a way of saying how I feel.  It keeps me calm, and has its own purposes, besides showing affection. If that's the case, how can I possibly show I care about someone when more traditional affection serves a different function?  Well, I just show it a little differently. Big surprise, I'm different! I will remember details if I care about you.  Favorite flavors, candies and foods, or your clothing sizes, or any odd preferences you have.  I store them all, and remember them for whenever I might need to pull them out for anything as small as fixing your coffee for you, to being able to order for someone if they are running late, or need to make a phone call.  I ca...

Weird Things that Make me Feel Weird Pt 2

Continuing on the idea of the last post, I'm going to talk about something else that probably fits the preferred option for society, that makes me feel more odd given the world I live in. Even while I went back to school, there were some things that the girls I was with just spoke openly about with their preferences and experiences.  We all joked, and laughed, and added our input, and then when it came to be my turn, I was accused of lying.  I was given the prodding of "not having to hide anything" and "not to be ashamed". But like with everything else, I was telling the truth, and they just couldn't seem to comprehend it. The topic of conversation: Masturbation. Why was I accused of lying?  Well, because I don't masturbate.  At all. Sure, I poked around a couple times in my early teens, figuring out my own anatomy, and wondering what the fuck boys were so interested in.  I got bored in a few minutes each time, and stopped bothering.  Since then...

Weird Things that Make me Feel Weird Pt 1

I tend to hang out with a circle of people who don't quite follow the societal norms.  We're all a bit mad in our own way, have our own issues, and are the misfits that have come together as family. Not to mention that I don't quite run with the most normal hobbies, which comes with it's own crowd of different. However, with all the people I find in these circles, there are a few things I always find about myself that might seem to be more socially acceptable, but make me feel like the odd one out.  They're not anything big, or that impact me really in any way, but it certainly becomes noticeable, and surprises everyone when they find out. First, I'm straight, and that confuses everyone I tell it to. Sure, I can look at a girl and say she's hot.  I'll poke my female friends in the boobs, or the ass, just to giggle over it.  I'm not homophobic in the slightest (most recently proven by doing everything short of grabbing a boy's head and smo...