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Weird Things that Make me Feel Weird Pt 1

I tend to hang out with a circle of people who don't quite follow the societal norms.  We're all a bit mad in our own way, have our own issues, and are the misfits that have come together as family.

Not to mention that I don't quite run with the most normal hobbies, which comes with it's own crowd of different.

However, with all the people I find in these circles, there are a few things I always find about myself that might seem to be more socially acceptable, but make me feel like the odd one out.  They're not anything big, or that impact me really in any way, but it certainly becomes noticeable, and surprises everyone when they find out.

First, I'm straight, and that confuses everyone I tell it to.

Sure, I can look at a girl and say she's hot.  I'll poke my female friends in the boobs, or the ass, just to giggle over it.  I'm not homophobic in the slightest (most recently proven by doing everything short of grabbing a boy's head and smooshing it against Lux's so they could make out), I simply have no physical attraction to females.

Now, I'll still play with girls.  I have no problem enjoying non-sexual play time with a girl, and beating the shit out of them.  In fact, when I play with girls, it's probably the one time that my mind doesn't consider sex at all.  The desire for it leaves completely, and I usually wind up looking at them as though they aren't really a person for the duration.

I'm sorry, is my sociopath showing?

This gets to be an issue sometimes when co-topping happens, because if a guy is there that I happen to enjoy fucking, I need a few minutes after I've played with the girl to level myself out and get back to where I want to fuck again.  This can be as simple as playing with just him for a bit, or leaving the room for a moment.

Thrax used to try and get to be sexual with girls all the time.  It quite literally took him over a year and a half to realize that I was, in fact, straight, and my brain kind of shut down at the thought of interacting with a girl's bits.  To the point where I wasn't allowed to tell girls I was straight if they asked, because he didn't want them turning me down.

Sometimes, I thought it would have made my life easier if I were bisexual.  So many other people I know are, and it would make a lot of situations a lot simpler.

Then I realized it would only have made things more complicated.  I'm still mono-amorous.  It would only put more pressure on me to have sex with people I probably wouldn't want to fuck, and then the pressure of having to date someone I wouldn't have feelings for.  And that, is a disaster waiting to happen, especially when my exes were both full of emotional issues.

Yes, I have the orientation that society deems most appropriate.  And in my world, that feels weird.


  1. You're just born that way! Like everyone's orientations.


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