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Little Victories

I'm going completely off the beaten path for one entry, but whatever.  Deal with it.

So, my father is incredibly picky when it comes to food.  Not only in the sense that he eats an incredibly limited selection of foods, but he only likes the foods he does eat a certain way.  He abhors change in all things, and this becomes a huge issue when it comes to recipes from his family.

There is one cake recipe I have from his grandmother, which was his favorite thing ever.  I made it for Lux for his birthday last year, with a from scratch mocha frosting that we loved.  The old man bitched the entire time about it having a frosting, and how the fact that it didn't have a glaze meant that I had fucked it up.
I made another one for the hell of it shortly after, to use up some excess ingredients in the fridge.  I went to make a glaze, and my mother walked in and decided to take over.  After making a ton of bad decisions, and me explaining to her why everything she was doing was wrong, she ignored me anyway, and wound up making toffee.  Literally as my mother poured the toffee onto the cake, the old man yelled, and threw a fit about us fucking it up again.

Well, last weekend my brother's best friend, who is basically another older brother of mine had his birthday dinner.  His fiancé said to make the cake, and asked if I could make a peanut butter frosting this time.  I took on the task, and I found it all delicious.

And so did the old man.  He has not only gone without bitching, but has gone on about how much he likes it.


That is all.
