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Maybe some men sometimes?

On Sunday morning, I was the first one out of bed.  I shambled my way down the stairs, and started the coffee.  As I sat down, with my warm mug of happy comfort, I took a few sips, and my mom shambled down as well, looked at me, and asked if I wanted to go to the flea market in search of produce.

The year round farmers market we would normal hit up is currently closed, so it's been hard to find decent produce, but the weekend prior we went to a further flea market, and found so much we stopped when we literally couldn't carry any more.

We went to one closer, which I've known had turned into a shit pile, but she insisted anyway.  As we walked from the parking lot, to find the fruits and veggies we hunted for, I found myself being the target of near constant comments.  People in near consistence either saying that I deserve an award for looking so much like a freak, about how fucked up my clothing was, or at the same time making passes in incredibly disrespectful ways.

My mother, being oblivious, didn't hear a single one, and to avoid her dealing with walking away and getting lost while I proceeded to punch every single one of them in the jaw, continued walking.
Then we went to a different market, and found a ton of stuff, and I have been munching on fruit since.  Hooray!

However, I noticed that every single person who was making those comments toward me were middle aged white men sitting by themselves.  Every single one.

And it just reinforces about most of the shit I've dealt with.

Mind you, I'm not a man hating feminist.  Most of my friends are now, and have always been guys.  I have a wonderful collection of respectful and fantastic men in my life, and I know I will find more throughout time.

It seems like there is just this generation or so of guys, that just feel entitled to be assholes.  From my dad and uncle, to people I find in the street, to people I talk to at events, and all others.  But it seems like some age bracket just feels like they can treat someone with less respect just because they don't have the same genitals, or dress the same way.

And I know, there are outliers in everything, but holy hell, does it feel like the percentage goes up with age.

I look forward to treating people with more respect as further generations come about, and the assholes become less and less acceptable.


  1. I don't understand why some people feel the need to open their mouths about others, especially if it is someones appearance that is literally none of their business and affects them in no way whatsoever. I suppose I'm fortunate that I don't receive those kinds of comments. A friend of mine back in Jersey talks about some of the things people say to her and my brain just implodes. Some people need a kick in the teeth. How do we teach these assholes how to function in polite society?


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