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Something Darker

 While I tend to have ebbs and flows with all things, given the somewhat vast spectrum of things I enjoy, I come back to anime and manga a lot, and stick to them for a while when I do.  And lately, I've had another kick of it, going in to watch some things, and read some others.

And even though I'm picking up both, I somehow wound up drawn to some of the darkest of each.  Things that focus on despair, revenge, torture, and various other things, all with sex thrown in.

I had seen reviews on all of these things, and listened to people go on about how they were all so horrific in their content.  People spoke on how these things would affect them forever, and were absolutely sickening.

Naturally, I wanted to see them, because I like dark things, and have a pretty high tolerance.

For the most part, upon taking these things in, I found them rather benign.  The anime I actually recommended to Lux because he would find it hot, and I would too if I wasn't the most demisexual ever.  Even finding the manga for it, and reading through more than half, I found it a bit over the top, especially considering it isn't hentai, but nowhere near as horrible as people made it out to be.

Likewise with the one manga I found and read through, it was a sad story, but until the last handful of pages, it seemed more like the type of story that acts as a warning of what can and does happen to people.  It was at the very end that the story turned from a simple story of naive survival and a lack of confidence to seeing the true evil of man.

Perhaps I've had enough time doing taboo things consensually, and living through bad situations that I can look at an overall situation for more than the dark actions that take place in it.  I know that's not the best thing for me to be aware of, but it's something that simply is.

Sometimes you things teach you just how little others have seen, and how much you have.
