Finally, we hit the end of the holidays here. All the birthdays are done, and big obligations. Sure, we still have things coming up, but they're smaller, and don't require actual work. I'm looking forward to the little things that those involve, and just getting to have fun.
Squishy had some friends over for her birthday. They both live right down the road, and while as loud as you would expect three young barely teens to be, they're good kids. I'm glad she's made some better friends than she had, and has settled into the middle school fairly well. I've unfortunately had to have words with my mom a few times about them though, because she keeps insisting that they're all girls despite being told otherwise multiple times. It's irritating, and I try to be extra attentive of my language with them to help them all feel better.
The weekend after, I went out to Philly for Puppy's birthday, because apparently I'm never allowed to find people with spaced out dates. We went into the weekend with plans just to try food somewhere, and have session zero for the D&D game I'm going to start in with him. It was close to a quiet weekend, but not bad. I also may have fucked him so many times his body gave up, because it seemed like a fun thing to try and do. He's been rather receptive to me for the most part though, and it's been interesting seeing someone who claims to be vanilla leave me covered in bruises at the end of visits ( though he winds up in about the same shape).
I've been really torn on what to do with him lately. On one hand, I do feel safe with him. We're comfortable, and more or less content when together. On the other, he's definitely had some red flags that make me uncomfortable, and I have trouble figuring out how to have a lot of casual conversation with him because he is so unexplored intellectually. It's hard, because he's got some heavy feels going, and is certainly pushing that he wants us to be some manner of official thing, but he's also been so emotionally compromised from the beginning that I don't want him to just be on a rebound that's been sitting for years.
I'll figure it out, along with everything else going on. It's not the most difficult thing I've ever done, by far.
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