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New Year, Same Chaos Brain

 Coming into this year, I'm trying to be realistic about a lot of things.  I want to do more, don't get me wrong, but I also want to be aware of the state of the world and what can be done safely.

Most importantly, I want to work on the things I can control, and that's me.

I want to hold myself accountable for things, in a way that builds positivity, and doesn't feel like something that will sink into guilt over time.

Likewise, I want to do more of the things that I know will benefit me in the long run.  Seeing people, making space for others, forming connections, and loving freely, and maybe not entirely logically all the time.

I'm creating a project to help myself learn to be more body-neutral, and maybe by the end of the year body-positive.  I want to force myself to take a selfie every day, for at least this month, and at least one a week has to be some form of nude.  I want to play with creativity, so I'm not taking the same photo every time.  I want at least the nudes to keep going through the year, and maybe figure out themes for each month.  I think that by the end of the year, with having to keep that many photos of myself, and forcing myself to learn to be ok with taking them under different conditions, it may actually help my brain see me realistically out of necessity, rather than only in the moments where I'm already feeling ok, and curating it accordingly.

This is the year I try to take on what I can to be better with all parts of my life, and that starts with me.
