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Scha-ween! Part Two: The Reckoning!

There will be real posts later this week covering what happened over the weekend, and other real things.  However, with last Thursday's post, and how the weekend went, I need to add a couple dopey moments to show how we giggle over everything.

Lux decided to hide from me what sort of room he got at the hotel.  We got in, and I got a glance at the receipt, noticing he definitely didn't get a stock room.  We get upstairs, and I immediately see the corner of the giant tub in the room, and start giggling.

Saturday morning, he decides to run a bath, and after nearly boiling his nuts several times because he made it way too hot, he lays down, and before I get in, we both look over, and notice just the head of his penis floating above the water, while he's completely flaccid.  And we both giggle.  Lesson of the weekend: flaccid penis' are buoyant.

Then, the next morning, we are having sex, and he starts punching me.  One hit is right into my oblique, and the force causes internal reverb on my organs, pressing them on his cock.  Inside my person.  Which feels really fucking weird.  I immediately start giggling, and when I tell him, we both giggle, and he starts punching me more, which just causes more laughter.

He even said I needed to add these here before the next post, because we giggled so much. 
