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While at Pennsic, Lux and I had to have lots of talks about the other people we were looking at doing things with.

Now, generally we're pretty chill about other partners happening, just keeping reminders to be careful, and discussing the possible happenings with any of them.  When we need to put our foot down on someone, it's usually because they're having a serious negative effect, or may be harmful to the other.

So, I had a very short, not real beating from a friend of ours the night we got on site.  That, and the time being tied by Murphy were totally cool with Lux, not only because we know how incredibly safe they are, but because he was present for the majority of it.

He did however, feel nervous about the fire spinner that is super pretty.  He knows I can handle myself if shit goes down, but didn't know exactly what to expect that I had wanted (literally just to touch his butt, and not sex) because he usually goes right to wanting to fuck.  Even when I reminded him that he's a burner, and works a faire that I'm friends with half the performers of, he still felt nervous, only because he didn't know him that well.  We wound up hanging out one night and becoming better friends, Which I think made him more comfortable with the idea, but still, nervous.  Nothing wound up happening though, so more time to continue building a friendship, and maybe the next time I see him, I will get a handful of butt.

At the same time, Lux was interested in our friend's ex.  They texted constantly through the week, and spent almost every night with us, except when we were down with Murphy.  At the same time, she almost refused to say a word to me, and when I would try to have a conversation with her, she'd almost talk past me, instead of to me.  It reminded me a lot of how Thrax was with his current girlfriend back when he and I were still dating.  One night, they wound up making out when he walked her back to camp.  When he came back, while I was half asleep, and Lux was tired too, I tried to tell him that I wasn't comfortable with him doing anything with her because our friend had said she was a bit irrationally insane through the last while of things.  I didn't want to endanger Lux with that, because he tends to be fucked up even with casual partners when they cause problems, and the way she was treating me was pretty much laying groundwork for that to happen already.

Sometimes, it doesn't matter how much you talk about things beforehand, there are still bumps in the moment.  At least we make sure to talk everything out, so that small bump doesn't become a massive obstacle.
