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A Mistake, and Picking Teams

 I swear, this is the last post about Rabbit and I starting a relationship.  There's just been a lot going on with it, and most of it has been funny.

The day we decided to be official, Rabbit had to go to dinner with his mom.  She had been poking at him not so gently for a while, and while we had a joke about waiting to tell his parents, he wanted to give her some good news.

So while they're sitting and having dinner, he stops the conversation, and tells her that we're together.  She is smiling, but stern faced, and he asks about her response.  She says that she's happy that he's happy.  He questions it again, and she mentions that his dad had concerns about my age.  

Now, Rabbit has been working at renn faires for a long time (it's how we originally met) and most of his friends are older.  A lot older, to the point where Rabbit's roommate has a couple of decades on him.  

Rabbit looks at his mom and asks how old she thinks I am.  She makes up some vague lines, until he asks flat out for a number.  Then she says that she thinks I'm over a decade older than him.  He proceeds to crack up, and informs her that there is only four years between us.  She is mortified of their mistake, makes him promise not to tell me (we see how that went) then is immediately happier.

So now I guess that makes me a cougar.

On my end, Squishy has been a trip through this entire process.  When Rabbit was scrambling to clean the house, I joked about panic packing and running away while I still had a chance.  I told Squishy, and she said she was team Rabbit, and wouldn't let it happen.  The next day, while making babka for the new year she was helping me and laughing about me being doomed.  I looked at her, and said that she hadn't quite thought things through, and that she was just as doomed, because she was the baked in grandkid.

Needless to say, she didn't like this, and said we needed pack and run away to Germany.  I told Rabbit, and when he visited a couple of days later, he said we were going for ice cream, but she couldn't join if she was team traitor.  So she said she wouldn't go to Germany, and was now team ice cream.  But it doesn't end there.

We move along to that dinner I spoke about earlier, and after making Rabbit promise not to tell me about the above, gets downright giddy asking when she'll get to meet Squishy.  Clearly, I tell her about this immediately, and she panics saying that she's team Germany again.  This goes on for a few days, until she realizes she's on her own, decides that she can't afford a flight, and that Oliver would be upset if she left.

Which means that after everything, she wound up on team Oliver.  She didn't even land back on team ice cream.
