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A New Year, and a Reset

 We're getting through the holidays as of this going live.  We've managed past Rosh Hashanah, and getting through Yom Kippur, which my family usually doesn't observe.  This year though, it seems especially appropriate.

There was a lot of wiping things away this year.  Removing people, changing priorities, and sorting out my own life.  

I think spending so time in contemplation of that, and everything that needs to be left behind is healthy, and a good use of this time of year, before we gear up for everything happening in the winter months.  How I want to change, what I want to keep up with, and what I need to put down and push away.

And there is a lot that I plan to pick up.  A lot that might be changing soon, and some things that are going to be very different for me.

But this year deserves to have a lot wiped away.  A lot of bad, and a lot of things that I let slide that I should never have.  And so this coming year I want to focus more on acknowledging what I want and need more vocally.  Thinking about the things that will actively make me happy, rather than just being ok with whatever will happen.  As much as compromise is how healthy connection happens, I need to learn to be comfortable with voicing opinions, and speaking up more often.

So let's get better this year.  Let's kick ass, and take on more, and do the things that make us shine.
