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Exploring Comfort

 We're coming up to the end of the year, and looking at how things are with the holidays now, they're so much different from last year.  Both that there's things not happening, and new things that are.

The biggest of which, is having a partner that wants to share the holidays, and wants to share time whenever he can.  We're starting to really find our stride in doing that, and he's starting to make sure he gets plenty of time with other friends as well.  As I encourage him, he's also having more time with music, and doing the things that make him happy, as I take on more things.

We're definitely finding our stride when it comes to a dynamic, and how things work to make us both feel fulfilled.  There isn't any heavy protocols, but he's definitely made himself a happy nest of a submissive place with me, while knowing how to playfully brat and say that he's the top.  It works well for us, and I only see us being happier in it as time goes on.

Things at home are different as well.  We're finally getting our front porch finished after my parents had their fiasco, which is helpful for the house as a whole.  My mother has also decided that the cookiepocalypse isn't happening this year, which is sad, but a little relieving because it's taking some work off of my plate.  That was a bit of a clusterfuck explaining things to her, but she doesn't want to actually listen, so she'll learn the hard way.

Squishy isn't doing great in school, and it unsurprisingly correlates with the gnome giving her a phone.  I have since taken it away, and she's already doing better, though not as good as she has.  It's frustrating, and she's definitely hiding things, not to mention being a horrible crank, but she'll learn.

I'm trying to figure out how to juggle more holidays this year.  Something I never thought I would have to deal with, is that with a Jewish boyfriend, we need to figure out things like Channukah.  I'm so used to it being something like Christmas that is a mess, but I've never had to share the Jewish holidays.  I like it in some ways, because it creates a lot of shared culture that we both appreciate.

Lots of things are different, and this time of year is still madness, but we're adjusting, and learning, and enjoying it.
