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Maybe By Accident

I remember for the longest time thinking that I was wired for monogamy.  That I could only have feelings for one person, because I typically only had a crush on one person at a time. 

While spending the last day or so with Pyre though, I kept thinking about how the first couple of years I had with Kitty were.  That one of us always had another partner, and even though we claimed we were just best friends, there was absolutely a level of attraction and love that was always there.

And I remember never feeling like I felt less for whoever I was dating when Kitty was around.  I had the same feelings for them both, and made sure I spent time and energy for them both.  On the same hand, Kitty had a partner he was living with, and I never felt a need to end their relationship, or pull him away from who he was with.  I made sure he had time with his partner, and enjoyed seeing the moments where they were happy.

Maybe, just maybe, I've been accidentally poly for so long that I didn't realize I wasn't being monoamorous.

And when I think about it that way, I think about how long I've been trying to practice good poly.  Making sure everyone got what they needed, and happy to see people treating my partners well.

While I still believe that the abuse I've been through has helped me be a better partner to who I have now, maybe, I've been learning how to poly for far longer that knew.  And maybe, I wasn't that bad at it considering one partner has stuck around through all of it.
