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 So, Rabbit has been in the process of some major life changes lately, which included people no longer being around.  I appeared again around the same time, and so there have been a lot of jokes, as we've gone from a few messages, to talking once in a while, to spending time together every week and talking every day.  People at his work joked that I was his boyfriend, and a bunch of his VR league team joked that I'm his rebound, and we just laugh and agree to all of it.

But the best part has been with his parents, and how I now need to tiptoe a line.

When I started being around, they were very stern about wanting him to take his time, and not date anyone for a while.  Then they were reminded that I'm also Jewish (his adoptive parents are Israeli), and went full stereotype of "Loki's a nice Jewish girl..." because they don't know my gender, and it's been hilarious more often than not.

On his birthday I got the impromptu test of being asked if I celebrate the holidays, and his mom lit up when I said that I want to make sure Squishy grows up with the culture and knowledge of her history.  After that, when I got rescued we went to his parents, and while still processing what happened, his father asked when I was going to learn Hebrew.  His mom damn near died, and I just said that I would likely pick up a lot just from being around, and learning through context.

So fast forward to last month, and I made a babka for my birthday.  We ate about half, but accidentally left it out, so it wasn't soft anymore.  When we were going to head out to run errands, I mentioned that we should get falafel, because the entire time I was in Brooklyn, everything we saw mentioned it.  He said we could ask his parents to make it, and called them.  I heard him ask about making a trade, and mentioned the babka and falafel while speaking in Hebrew, and so I told him we wouldn't be handing over a stale loaf but I would make a new one.

I did, and the next day we were heading over for lunch when his father asked if I was learning Hebrew yet.  Rabbit and I both cobbled together an answer because he now knows I am learning, and we both want to keep it a secret.  His mother was over to the side opening up the babka, and snuck the end, and remarked on how good it was.  At the same time, the phone rang, and it was some other family said they were stopping by.  So, we sat down, had falafel (which even my ability to make that was impressive) and then his family showed up, who were very pleasant, excited to see babka, and made sure to speak as much English around me as possible.  They were also rather surprised to find out that I was Jewish.

While sitting and talking, they took a slice of babka, and one of them took a bite, and was incredibly impressed.  While I knew it was good, I wasn't expecting such a response.  When the other did the same, he made a comment that wasn't in English, and everyone laughed.  Later, Rabbit dragged me outside, and said that when he tasted it, his first response was blurting out "Propose NOW".

So, I'm pretty sure I'm doomed, and his family is going to try and keep me. 
