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Trying to Do

 Since the start of the new year I've been slowly moving back toward all the habits I had early last year.  Because of the summer, being away from home, being more social, and starting a new relationship that is present and healthy, a lot of things went to the wayside in some bad ways.  There's also been some other happenings at home, that have really given a hit to my mental health, which also makes it difficult to do all the things I need to.

Squishy has simply not been doing school work.  I'm constantly getting emails about her not handing in assignments, which only require her to push a button.  Most of the grades on the things she does hand in are good, so it's not that she doesn't understand, it's that she just doesn't want to do the work, and would rather play around on discord.  Because all the work is on the computer, it's at the point where I need to have her where I can see her screen to ensure that she's actually doing anything related to school.

My mother is also constantly making comments about my body and how it changed since I was unable to work out consistently, or keep track of what I was eating the way I was previously.  She's actively saying things that make me unhappy in my own skin, and like she's trying to destroy any happiness I have.  Previously she was trying to bring me down for not seeing people as much, because I was trying to maintain my relationship with Lux.  She refuses to understand that there is balance, and life changes are going to mean other things change in the process.  She also just likes to try and absolutely kill any sense of self worth I have.

Outside of home, I am managing to work on my time management though.  I'm trying to work out more because of how my stamina and strength backslid, and have been on top of it the last few weeks.  I found a new platform for my secondary blog that pays, and will be starting some more freelance writing as well.  I'm doing more long form recordings, and keeping up with them, as well creating more designs, and juggling all my online stores.

It's a lot, but I'm managing to do it while finding time for personal projects, and making time for Rabbit and I to have the healthy relationship we both deserve.  I can and will succeed in this.  If I can manage with everything that's bringing me down, then I can make a hell of a partner in the long run.
