I am finally home from Pennsic, and hopefully soon will be fully unpacked and back to my normal routine. The next few posts will likely be a smattering of thoughts on my week long adventure with Lux. Our adventure started with loading up the car and having a big dinner. We got to bed at a decent time, but wound up fucking several times throughout the night, which likely wasn't the smartest plan considering our long drive. We woke up on time anyway, and got moving quickly, moving right along with the timetable we'd hoped for. When we got there, I had a lot to process and take in. Most people claim this is an insane event that will change lives and all such manner of things. I was a bit surprised in the fact that I didn't feel that, although the event is huge. I think part of the reason that it didn't have such impact on me is because of my past. I've been camping since I was eight, doing faires since I was about ten, and larping since fi...
My life is such an odd and surreal rollercoaster of kink, mischief, body modification and wonderment. Read along, and see the new pages of the journey that is my life, with all the sex, trouble, friends, family, pain, and adventure.