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Looking Back, and Looking On

This last year had a lot of new things.  In many ways, it inspired a lot of growth, in many positive ways.  I'm taking many steps towards becoming the person I want to be, and doing the things I want to do.  I fell behind in some things I'm not the happiest about, and it's caused to bad brainbugs.

Overall, as much as this year has been difficult in many ways, It's been rather positive for me, thanks to the people in my life, and giving myself enough of a kick in the ass to keep going.

And, for what might be near the first time, I feel myself dreaming about the future.  Nothing massive, but ambitious projects to encourage more growth, steps towards more independence, and a life I'm truly happy with.  In the past, I've always just kind of dealt with complacency in the idea that I would always be stopped.  That my blood relatives would always try to fuck me over and force me into their broken idea of what I need to do with my life.  It may not show, but damn if my mind didn't always have a big chunk of shitty thoughts floating around.

This year, I do have a handful of small silly things I want to do.  Little things to learn or manage.  But what I do want to do, is really work towards someone I am happy with.  Mentally, professionally, physically.

I have a lot of work to do, but this year is leaving me inspired.
