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A Line

Like I said before, Lux and I have been discussing a lot about our dynamic, and how we want it to evolve.  And with conversation about our power exchange, and things that have happened, Lux had mentioned knowing that there is a difference between slave and submissive.

Which, even after more than five years, we never actually talked about that difference.  Much like the rest of our dynamic, we kind of just fell into something, and it happened.  And so, we decided it was something else to talk on.

Lux simplified it to a slave being a continuous thing, and a submissive being something that only occurs during sex or play.

I recognized that there are submissives who have a continuous dynamic though, and had to figure out how to explain it.

I found that I had to look at a submissive as someone who is continually submissive.  Someone who is powerless and passive to their domly person (obviously with the exception of actual issues).  A slave has more blanket rules, and lives by them, but has the trust and power to not always follow every order if it goes against those blanket rules.

It's that case of needing those constant orders to submit, rather than simply having someone in charge.

And it's a weird space to make that separation, but I think that's the best way for me to describe it.

Lux agreed, and it definitely explained how we work.

It's interesting to create that space, should it be necessary for us in the future.
