Lux is making a couple of short visits this week. He's being sent somewhere near me for a couple days for work, so instead of just flying down, he's driving and using me as a middle point. He's also using some of that time to look for a new apartment/house. Which means I've been looking around for places up by him, or inspecting places that others send and getting ideas about what might or might not work for him. We've both also become rather burnt on everything going on. There's just a ton of stuff right now, and while none of it is particularly horrible, it's just a pile of draining things to keep up with on both sides. So, these short visits will be a good break in things, to help level out a bit. And luckily, things should calm down here in about a week or so. Which means that with every day I can mark more off my list, and relax a bit. It also means that when Lux is here, we can focus on enjoying time and recharging together. And then a...
My life is such an odd and surreal rollercoaster of kink, mischief, body modification and wonderment. Read along, and see the new pages of the journey that is my life, with all the sex, trouble, friends, family, pain, and adventure.