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Lately, I've been thinking about my brainspace.  Why exactly I've hit this point that I have, where my mental state is as poor as it has been.

And one of the biggest thing I think about is all the things I can't seem to pick up, which I know bring me some sort of positivity.  How I put down so many things that I had made growth with.  How slowly, over time, I've curled up in this ball of horrible cycles, negative thoughts, and complacency.

It took me far too long to realize that while I'm in a shitty state for many many reasons, I haven't done enough to make it better.

I haven't done enough to create change.

And change won't happen in my mind, growth won't occur, and I won't get out of this dark little ball unless I make it happen.

Time to kick myself in the ass, and make some change.
