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What Even is Time?

You would think that after this long to adjust, and not being busy prepping for time away for anything, I would have far more time to get things done.  A few weeks ago, I felt like I had a good grasp on my time, and was taking advantage of it.  

This last week or so, I feel like I'm running on fumes again.

Squishy has been infinitely difficult, even before losing her grandfather, or knowing he was sick.  She's been sneaking things, lying, and trying to pushing limits to the point where she's spent several days stuck in her room if she isn't eating or doing school work, because I gave her literal weeks to just do what I had asked her to do.  Because of that, I have to spend most of my day quiet, often having to stand over her, or listening to make sure she isn't trying to do something she knows she shouldn't, or to get her school work done in a decent time (because I've caught her many times just deciding to do something else).

That has eaten up such a chunk of my time.  Meanwhile, I'm trying to recharge with talking to others, and being social, but that doesn't allow me to do things I need to.  

I'm left with only a couple of hours a day to actually get things done.  It means working out has practically disappeared, and I'm feeling anxious about getting the things done that I need to.  I'm trying to stick to healthier comfort foods when I can to help me feel a little better, and the smaller habits that I know are more beneficial to me.

Hopefully, she is learning.  Hopefully, time will be easier soon.  In the meantime, I will try to do what I can so I don't get too overwhelmed.
