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No Breaks

I finished everything with the gnome last week, and Squishy was making progress with having better behavior. 

At the same time, I've continued to have all the same physical stress symptoms that I had been dealing with.  My mom had told me that I could relax when I pointed it out to her, and I just responded that I couldn't.  There was too much in the air, too much still happening all at once.  Lux was about to do his move, and had even more happening in his life, which is still going on.  Pyre's living situation had been falling apart.  I'm worried about the safety of everyone for so many reasons, and have everything exploding here.  I think all things considered, just some physical stress symptoms is me handling things fairly well.

But at the same time, Squishy's behavior took a nose dive as soon as she had gotten herself back any freedom.  After trying to work with her, be understanding to how she felt, and fighting like hell to make her feel safe, I was met with her completely disregarding what she should do, her school work slowed down to nothing, and any time I called her out there would be promises that it would end, only for her to immediately be found doing the same things ten minutes later. 

It's had me damn near non-functional again, if not for the fact that I need to be available to help the other people in my life.  Even when barely going, I thrive when doing for others.
