As of writing this we're still waiting out the election. Watching maps and percentages change a fraction of a percent, seeing gaps close, and wondering when numbers will be called.
At the same time, I'm listening to my father. Someone who all year has talked about how the pandemic is made up, and a hoax created by the democrats to sway the election. He talks about how the protests through the country were destroying everything, and that those people deserved to be shot with live ammo because they were rioting. That if "they weren't doing anything illegal, they wouldn't get shot".
And as he spews hypocrisy constantly while this election occurs, I watch my mother send so many mixed messages to whoever she's around, and I never know when she's lying, or if she thinks she can constantly play both sides of the coin in what she believes.
I stay quiet around my father. I don't think I've ever been able to have a conversation without him yelling at me, and if it comes to anything that involves science, research, or reason, he just starts stomping and screaming.
It shows me exactly what we are fighting against.
And right now, all that I want to do is be around the people I care about. To protect the people who will have things taken away if this election goes wrong. I want to take care of people who deserve it, rather than being shoved down and marginalized. Because the people I live with now are the problem, and even though they don't realize it, they are just showing a scaled down version of the problem we are trying to remove.
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