So, I've managed even with the beast being home for summer, and Pennsic, to keep up with regularly working out. And, I'm noticing some fun random benefits that have appeared over time. Simple things like my posture are a given. I'm standing straighter again, and a bit taller, though not enough to be noticeable with how short I am. It still could be a bit better, but it's getting there with time. More fun though, is random things. Like how my hips are way more open now, and Lux can not only press my legs back and past my torso without any pain, or even feeling a stretch, but he presses them flat out sometimes, with his weight on me, and even with how broad his hips are (which, boys with hips, omnomnom) I don't feel sore like I used to, at all. I shall enjoy reaping these benefits, and so does Lux. Also I can finally touch my toes bending forward without being in excruciating pain! This is seriously something I've never been able to do. I still can't
My life is such an odd and surreal rollercoaster of kink, mischief, body modification and wonderment. Read along, and see the new pages of the journey that is my life, with all the sex, trouble, friends, family, pain, and adventure.