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Those Held Closest

A bit of background: I met Kitty in June of 2004.  We were at a larp, and without any intention, wound up sitting up all night talking, instead of going to sleep like we should have.  No introduction before that; we were both simply awake outside the inn, giggling about random horrible thoughts.  A few months later I invited him to stay in the cabin with us, because he didn't know where he was staying, and after that, we started messaging on AIM nearly every day. We would call each other a few days a week and chat on his commute home from work, or when the girlfriend he was living with was busy with whatever else.  Once winter hit, we started hanging out almost weekly, and we would share a tent at events and faires, because we both liked to snuggle, and it was a convenient sleeping arrangement for us. Our friendship became something that no one really knew what to think of.  I could contact him when no one else could, and he would call me having panic attacks instead of his gir


A side note from kinkysexythings, because there is so much more to my life. I make things.  A lot of things.  I have a lot of constructive hobbies, and am actually learning to make enough things to make crafting my job. In the past few weeks, I've made a metric fuckton of stuff, and I thought I show you a couple pictures. So, that is a cotte for Lux.  It's based off a fourteenth century kirtle pattern I used for myself when making my own set of garb.  Yes, I'm swimming in it.  That's because I'm about half his size.  As an idea on proportion, it's supposed to only go to his knee, and comfortably fitted in the chest. Also, those drawings are all mine from high school. Everything that I'm wearing here, I made.  The scale bra is entirely hand woven, and I made up the pattern as I went along.  The scale belt is actually a crocheted base, because I learned to crochet scale into a panel.   Better shot of the back of the belt.  It&#


I often hear men talking about a desire for women with no or little morals.  Whenever they show their excitement over it, it makes my thoughts go Princess Bride all over the place. This does not mean what you think it means. Morals can cover our entire life code.  Being able to set personal limits based on what we believe are the actions of a good and true person, and sticking to them is a sign of strength.  We challenge ourselves with our morals against the obstacles life throws at us. It's not having unprotected sex with new partners, even if it means not fucking when you want to. It means being honest to your partners. Morals help us build bonds between people.  It makes us consistent, reliable partners.  Finding someone with a similar moral code helps find compatible mates that can live together. To live without morals is to live without any regard for yourself or anyone else.  It endangers lives, and destroys our connection to the world. And I suppose if you felt


I saw a post on Fet the other day that made me rage.  Saying that sluts have standards sometimes, and that they need to be taken out on classy dates in order to consider fucking a guy, and that it is what is necessary before fucking is even an option. The fuck now? I mean, I'm all for being careful and picky about partners; it's something I do myself.  I don't fuck people I've just met, and I don't fuck people without chatting a while first. There's a huge difference though. She said she wanted someone to drop a ton of cash to take her out somewhere that she would need to be dressed up, having someone more or less buy their way into her pants.  I just want to become friends with a person first.  Chatting, giggling, finding common interests.  Sex is better when there is a bond, and being able to snuggle and share nerdy ideas afterward makes it just fantastic.  I however, don't want someone to throw money at me.  It feels fake, and I'd much rather


I've been craving power exchange fairly constantly lately, so I thought I might write about it. As a switch, I often look at both sides of exchange fairly carefully with any of my partners.  I find it is easy for me to figure out what they're thinking, and explain things that relate to them. Power exchange is inherently that.  An exchange. And oddly enough, and equal one. Oh yea, that's right.  Two people are in a relationship as equals, even if some elements have some extreme skews to them.  And that makes those people happy, gives consistency, comfort, and fulfills the needs of both people in the relationship. On a base level, they are two people who want to take care of one another, with needs that fit together in a way that makes both their lives easier and happier places to be.  Power exchange with a partner should feel natural, though the addition of real life is what presents the challenge. Domly folk enjoy taking care of a person through guidance.  They w

Net Possession

While perusing facebook, I often see little relationship pictures show up on my feed.  Cute thoughts about what makes someone feel at peace in a relationship, or what they want in a mate.  A lot of the time I'm fine with these, and even find a good number of the cute, or able to relate to them. In the past week though, I've been bombarded with a myriad of these that absolutely make me flail with rage. Lists of things girls want in a mate, and claiming that a good partner shouldn't look at pictures of their preferred gender, like anything they post, or talking to them in any form. I just... the fuck? And people I know post this shit.  It's controlling, over-possessive, and just ridiculous.  As if anyone should call off contact with half the world just to be involved with one person, is insanity. Personally, most of my friends are male.  For someone to tell me that I can't talk to them, or look at the pictures they post, or show appreciation of their life, j

Inside Information

I know I've mentioned being a sociopath on here. It's not a joke when I say it.  Be around me for more than a day or so, and you'll start to see it.  I won't bother to censor my comments, and it'll become startlingly obvious. Due to this, and my love of psychology in and of itself, when something comes up about how the average person perceives a sociopath or a psychopath, I jump at the opportunity to read it, and often giggle at how they believe the mind works. But I'll let you in on a secret. Most of that is wrong. Yes, we do tend to be highly intelligent.  For me at least, this is because of a highly logical mind.  I can think through things with a complex process, which doesn't get clouded by emotionally driven thoughts.  If fact, I don't feel many emotions that other people do.  I often have to fake emotion while I'm with other people because I don't actually feel it myself, and know that not reacting in a similar fashion will cause i