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The Problem with Words

I'm a language nerd.  Whether it is listening to the speech patterns of others, or learning the odd ways that the English language works, I am absolutely enthralled with communication.  Whenever I can, I will teach myself bits of other languages and dialects; learning the littlest inflections on accents to make sure everything sounds and translates perfectly.  One of my favorite innate skills is actually my ability to understand spoken language, being able to translate for people, even if I can't speak a word of it. On Christmas, I posted some examples of how I also enjoy simply listening to some voices.  Not in the ASMR aspect, as I don't really enjoy that, but some voices turn me on at a normal speaking tone, far more than most people realize, and more than the vast majority of my partners in the past had thought to utilize. And no, I'm not necessarily referring to dirty talk, but I'm getting there.  Simply having serious conversation in the right tone will ma

Words Words Words Words Words

If you haven't been able to tell, I'm rather comfortable using what would normally be considered "foul" language.  I swear a lot (though not around the beast) and try to turn insults and threats into an art form of sorts. However, if you pay attention, there are a few terms that are normally considered fairly tame, that I find awkward to use, and so they are simply written here to provide variety, and I never say them in person. I don't find them offensive, they just feel odd for me to say. It's one term each for both type of human genitalia. Pussy- I just find it silly to say.  It feels awkward, and I don't feel like it seems appropriate to my methods of speech.  I'd much rather say "Vagina" "Cunt" or "Va-goo". Dick- It sounds infantile.  However, there are a hundred thousand more terms for male genitals that I can constantly be creative and pull out random funny terms.  Usually though, I just say "

Silliness, and distractions

So, I went to Wicked Faire last weekend, despite having no intention of going.  I also wound up getting snowed into the hotel, along with all of my performer friends who had intended on leaving. Which meant that I stayed far longer than I normally would have, and got to see the entire con go a little insane. While the last concert of the evening was going on, music was playing outside.  This new venue has a large central hub type area, where some rooms even have balconies overlooking the space.  It's really quite beautiful. Music may have turned into a silly dance party. Which then may have turned into Journey.  When everyone came out of their rooms.  And started singing together. Yes, an entire con full of people, all singing and dancing in one giant karaoke type ruckus.  The only word to describe it was magical. With everyone still singing, I was supposed to go play with a friend, who was interested in actually getting to unload and beat me up.  He borrowed a room for

How to Confuse a Con Full of Kinky Folk

So, last weekend Lux, Nessa, and I went off to Flea.  The whole weekend was a fun time, with lots of giggles, new toys, and a generally chill vibe. I also realized how much Lux and I confuse people. Apparently, I was putting off a very toppy vibe.  As a switch, I usually seem very toppy, but being a tiny female, people sometimes instantly peg me as just a submissive.  I find that how I dress can change this up a lot.  I've stopped wearing collars as a form of jewelry, but will sometimes wear something that is obviously a choker.  Even when wearing more skimpy stuff, there is enough masculinity to how I dress that it stays pretty level. Usually people talk to me like a top, because I generally look at product for my own use.  And if it isn't, I'm generally running off to grab someone else.  I also tend to have obvious energy of how I feel towards those around me.  If there is one thing true about me, it's that I absolutely cannot send mixed signals. So, I'm a


So, Lux, being his sexy self, has decided to get into voice porn. If your panties didn't immediately drop, you just don't know him yet. Right now, he's still getting used to it, but he's keeping up with it, and I've been helping him by throwing ideas around, looking over scripts, and listening to recordings to make sure they are up to par. Oh, the horrors of my life, having to make sure my partner who has a super sexy deep voice records things clearly. However shall I deal with this burden? With the release of the fifty shades movie over Valentine's, and with Lux and I going to Flea, we came up with the best plan ever! You see, neither of us likes fifty shades, but it did create a huge pool of terrible parody books. And so, I went hunting. Oh yes!  This is going exactly where you think it is. I found a myriad of terrible parodies, and sent him excerpts from each.  I even sent him one entire series of parodies, because they were that funny.  I

Not Always Necessary

I was listening to a podcast the other day, and it started discussing the idea of switches in power exchange relationships.  It talked about how a switch can be very capable of having a stable and static dynamic with one person, which I absolutely agreed with, and enjoyed hearing, because a lot of people claim it isn't the case. What I didn't like about it however, was that it very adamantly pushes that switches must have open relationships, and need to have multiple partners so that they can constantly be satiating both sides of a power exchange. And while this may be true for some switches, I absolutely do not fit into that category. I can very happily have one partner, a steady dynamic, and not feel an unwavering need for more.  Admittedly, I do on occasion get slight cravings for the other side when this is the case, just because I haven't had the chance to indulge in it for a while, and it becomes apparent.  Usually, it comes out for a bit in the relationship I d

Need to Know

While talking to some friends recently the conversation turned to this: "We know you're not officially dating [Lux], but how do you deal with him fucking other girls?" "He tells me ahead of time it might happen, and then I yell at him to go rape people, leave giant handprints on their ass for me, and tell me about it afterward." "Wait... you WANT to know?  If I was in a relationship that allowed my partner to fuck around, I wouldn't want to know any of it." "Well, you might be more mentally stable than I." And I meant that honestly.  I have no problem with a partner fucking someone else, or playing with others.  So long as they are consistent with how they treat me, follow basic respectful rules (things like condoms, alerting me of possible new partners) and let me know what happens. I love having the comfort to encourage partners to go elsewhere.  I know they'll come back, and we'll snuggle, and giggle, and have the awe