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Weird Things that Make me Feel Weird Pt 2

Continuing on the idea of the last post, I'm going to talk about something else that probably fits the preferred option for society, that makes me feel more odd given the world I live in. Even while I went back to school, there were some things that the girls I was with just spoke openly about with their preferences and experiences.  We all joked, and laughed, and added our input, and then when it came to be my turn, I was accused of lying.  I was given the prodding of "not having to hide anything" and "not to be ashamed". But like with everything else, I was telling the truth, and they just couldn't seem to comprehend it. The topic of conversation: Masturbation. Why was I accused of lying?  Well, because I don't masturbate.  At all. Sure, I poked around a couple times in my early teens, figuring out my own anatomy, and wondering what the fuck boys were so interested in.  I got bored in a few minutes each time, and stopped bothering.  Since then

Weird Things that Make me Feel Weird Pt 1

I tend to hang out with a circle of people who don't quite follow the societal norms.  We're all a bit mad in our own way, have our own issues, and are the misfits that have come together as family. Not to mention that I don't quite run with the most normal hobbies, which comes with it's own crowd of different. However, with all the people I find in these circles, there are a few things I always find about myself that might seem to be more socially acceptable, but make me feel like the odd one out.  They're not anything big, or that impact me really in any way, but it certainly becomes noticeable, and surprises everyone when they find out. First, I'm straight, and that confuses everyone I tell it to. Sure, I can look at a girl and say she's hot.  I'll poke my female friends in the boobs, or the ass, just to giggle over it.  I'm not homophobic in the slightest (most recently proven by doing everything short of grabbing a boy's head and smo

Kicking Creepers

I recently had a friend who is also an ex-coworker join Fetlife who I will call L0v.  She found me after a few days, and I've been giving her a hand about things with it. Before she found me though, a dom on there apparently found her.  I thought it was someone she knew when I friended her.  I checked his profile, and it simply said to contact him, was full of dick pics, and every single one of his friends was younger submissive females. Needless to say, he gave off the creeper vibe. So, I begin talking with L0v, and she mentions being close to being in a full on D/s relationship, and mentions that it's with this guy.  Who she has known less than a week.  And she has no real knowledge of the scene. Cue my over-protective motherly instinct! I immediately let her know that I felt something was wrong with this, and start informing her that just because she is now a part of the kinky side of the world, it doesn't mean she needs to treat new people differently than she

To be One of Few

So, I'm pretty picky about who I fuck.  And by pretty picky, I mean far more than I think most people would comprehend considering how I live my life otherwise. I find that as well as this, so many girls I talk to, have something else that I do not share with them. So many of my female friends bareback with every boy they date.  Or any boy they fuck on the side, despite the fact that they may have just recently met, or have only known each other for a short amount of time. Sometimes this is due to money, or allergies, or simply that the girl is easily talked out of the need for one. All these excuses, I believe are bullshit. That's right, complete utter bullshit. Admittedly, I went through this phase.  The first guy I ever fucked, I barebacked with.  However, we trusted each other implicitly, he got tested yearly even while in a relationship (that was supposed to be monogamous... Oops?) and we honestly had no intention of fucking until we had been fooling around for

Unable to go Unseen

I've always had problems with my body.  I have a very odd build, and it caused me to hear nothing but ridicule, and negative things up until I'd had my daughter. Yes, that's right, I never had a single positive word said about me until I was in my twenties.  Instead I was just brought down, and anyone I dated never said a word either way. In my early teens, I dressed to hide my body.  Loose clothing, and usually men's clothes at that hid my figure.  I could cover myself up, and it was like a security blanket I wore with me at all times.  This however, brought on more comments, and didn't help much in the long run. Then my hair disappeared, and holes appeared in my ears.  I started wearing suits every day.  While I was still completely covered, I no longer looked like a boy, and this quieted down the negative words.  My boyfriend at the time flipped out with me because I had pierced my ears.  No good words about me, just that he hated my piercings.  There is a

Not so Sexy Things

Obviously, I enjoy a lot of sex.  I enjoy affection, and playtime as often as I can possibly get it. There are other things though, that will make me much happier, and mean far more to me.  They are things I won't easily forget, and that work far better in any attempt to woo me than any sexual act. Bringing me coffee, sitting and sharing a cup curled up, or out and just relaxing and talking. Helping me bake, and encouraging mad science.  Then trying to decide whether or not to eat it all while it's still warm and gooey. Letting me cook for you, because damnit, I make better food than we'd get eating out anyway. Laying on each other reading books.  Just that quiet relaxation, and not feeling the need to entertain someone, but simply enjoying them being there. Watch anime with me.  Either one of my favorites, or show me a new one.  Nerd base is hot. Adventure with me.  Just wander around somewhere with me.  Let's get lost, and not worry about finding anything or

Storytime, or Why I Rarely Submit

So, I was one of those switches that started thinking I was only a sadist.  For the longest time, I just enjoyed hurting people who wanted it, seeing how much they could take, and experimenting on the reactions to different pains at different levels.  That was all I needed to be perfectly fulfilled. Then I had a friend ask if I wanted to try mixing power exchange with it.  That he trusted me to be safe holding all the control of a situation. And well, that was fun too! All this, and it still wasn't sexual for me though.  Keep this in mind. At this point, I was content in just being the toppy/dommy/sadist side of things. Until, one day someone fought back.  Just for fun, they tore me up as I took them apart. I realized then, pain was pretty fun on both sides! One more thing I found I enjoyed.  Hooray!  This also made me acknowledge that I was in fact a switch in at least one aspect. That friend that suggested I try being domly?  He then asked how I would feel about giv