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Good Idea, Bad Idea

A week or so ago, a group chat was made up to throw the idea out there of a game night with all of the fire team at camp.  We spent time connecting a bit, and all realized that in the lockdown, we've heard from each other more than we would have if things were normal.  We were all happy to have that supportive desire for connection and time.

We picked a day, and I noticed an overlap with another friend who had a social thing happening.  However, this had many people, including partners that actively wanted to add me to their time. 

As the week went on, I wound up setting up social time with a few more things, and was looking forward to all of it.  It just took six weeks for the extrovert to figure out how to be social in an apocalypse. 

And then Friday night came, and Squishy had a little spa night.  Somehow, she went from being out of extra bath things, and fancy face masks, to having a surplus because Dansa sent her a ton by surprise.  At the same time, I spent a few minutes to make sure I had a drink and snack on hand, and grabbed anything I would need to get comfy for games.

The gathering was great, and we were all silly and had time that we needed.  We played a good few games, and we plan on doing it again.  We ended at a fairly modest time though, and when I looked at the clock, I realized the other social thing was still happening.

I figured, why not hop in there for a bit, make sure that friend that someone there, and get a little extra time with people. 

Well, he had a handful of people there, and my short hop on only ended because my laptop randomly rebooted.  Which may have been near three in the morning. 

I went to bed feeling recharged socially though for the first time in a while. but woke up like I was hit by a truck. 

I suppose maybe I need more regular social time so that I don't do stupid things like that again.
