I've seen more than a few times lately, the pressure society puts on others to get married. That because two people have signed a paper, their relationship is more successful, or real than those who haven't. How it's an expected step, and otherwise there's some amount of fear of commitment, or people just being insecure and cowardly. Now, I've spoken about how I dislike the pressure to ride the relationship and life escalators. How it's ridiculous to expect the exact same timeline out of every human, and for them all to want the same things. However, the idea that marriage is the only thing that makes a relationship successful, and instantly makes a couple more valid than those who aren't is abhorrent. I know so many people who got married due to pressure from one side, and then wound up being toxic or abusive. People who did what they thought they were supposed to do because everyone was asking when they would, only to realize they were miserab...
My life is such an odd and surreal rollercoaster of kink, mischief, body modification and wonderment. Read along, and see the new pages of the journey that is my life, with all the sex, trouble, friends, family, pain, and adventure.