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Brain Speak

The last couple of weeks have been a bit on the easier side, as we're all starting to learn how to cope and function in this lockdown situation.  There's still stress and things to deal with, but things are adjusting with time. Except my brain is apparently making sure to tell me about all the things that I do need, or are picking at me right now. This is something that stands out because normally, I don't dream.  Or at least I don't remember them.  There's only one or two times a year that I recall a dream when I wake up. I've had four in the last week or so. All very clearly telling me where things are actually at.  The first one involved someone I don't actually know, and I don't think it mattered that day.  However, I remember him hugging me despite the contact restriction.  I remember my surprise, then sneaking off to talk, and walking around holding hands.  And that feeling in my mind of just fingers entwined brought me so much peace in t

Looking to the Future

With us about a month into isolation, and not sure when it will end, I'm definitely feeling the effects.  So, I decided to think about all the things I want to do once it's safe to make plans and be with others again. I am going to koala on my partners so hard.  Full Master Blaster backpack koala. I want to finally run a game of Dread. Whatever local dumpy restaurants survive this, I want to try with people. Even if it's in my own yard, I want to have a fire, and share cigars and whiskey with friends. This will be the year I invite people over and finally watch the Matrix.  Because I'm the only person who hasn't seen any of them. On that note, I'm going to show Lux all the Jersey movies.  Half of them take place about two towns away from where he grew up. I want so much play time.  I don't care how intense, but I need that connection now more than ever. Play should also happen with friends too.  Not just the people I've done things with before

Keeping a Record

I had a rather odd moment a while ago.  One of those times when a random thing changes how you've felt, and makes different things seem important. While going through instagram a week or so ago, I saw a picture of youtuber I watch with his partner.  It was from when they first got together, and I noticed two things.  First, I remembered that they've been together about as long as Lux and I.  I also noticed how different they both looked from that many years ago.  Faces maturing and changing, bodies in different shape, and expressions even didn't carry the same as now. And as I looked at it, and thought about those two things, I realized that I didn't really have that with my partners.  In fact, for the longest time, I hated the idea of taking pictures with my partners.  Hated the couples who slathered their social medias with smoochie photos and so many pictures that they likely didn't even remember the events.  I had partners be angry about my dislike of it in

Needing to Hand Things Over

Over the first few weeks of isolation, I noticed myself heavily craving power exchange.  Specifically, for someone else to show more dominance. And, it made sense.  Things were difficult, and out of control.  There was a flurry of chaos in everything as we figured out how to make this isolation, and I tried to process having people taken from me for an unknown amount of time.  I was in a bad place, and while I've adjusted to the change, and started to find a new normal, that need is still there. It made sense because even when everything is madness, I find that active exchange of power to be centering.  Not only the affirmation of having someone want to have control of me in that way, but getting to feel small and taken care of.  As much as I have no problem making decisions, and seeming bigger despite how tiny I am, it's good to not put that aside, but be submissive as well. Maybe soon we'll find a way to have that peace of mind together, and get to relax.  Whet

A Mental Adjustment

A while ago, I mentioned having a shock to my system of realizing how I viewed my body, and making changes to how I would go about things. Part of that in this particular case meant wearing different bras.  Specifically, wearing less structured bras.  I panicked mentally that I would look like an eight year old boy every day for the first couple of weeks, even though Squishy told me that it actually looked better than my normal bras. I was determined to not give up though, and have now gone over a month without wearing the super structured, and heavily shaped ones that I was previously.  I realized a few days ago, that mentally I've adjusted to the difference in how things look. I don't worry about looking completely flat anymore, and have actually started to like the more natural, less spherical shape that my other bras would provide.  I don't feel like there's a sudden visual shock when I remove my bra, which probably contributed to why I felt so flat before.

Fuck You, Pay Me

Last week, Zero checked in to see how I was doing with the lockdown.  We caught up a bit, made sure we were both ok, and then he asked if I had any free time for artwork.  Being between projects, I told him that I could potentially take something else on.  There were no other details yet. He then said that the deadline would ideally be a week later, but could be something for next year, because it was for his friend's birthday. And proceeded to tell me he wanted a full deck of many things from D&D, with all JoJo's Bizarre Adventure art.  That's 25 fully drawn and colored custom pieces of fanart, to a specific size, that would then need to be printed on a one off service. He just talked about it like it was a casual request.  Like I would be happy to put aside anywhere from 100-200 hours for something that would be a birthday present for someone else, like asking someone to pick up milk when they visit. You know what would have made me less angry about this, is a

Need to be Numb

While I was riding on those fumes after getting the news about Felix, I was grasping just to get through the day.  I went to shower before getting ready for bed, and while there, standing under the water with nothing other than my own thoughts, my brain went spinning.  And for some reason, it decided to focus on why out of everything else, I'm not really into a lot of verbal degradation.  It wasn't hard for me to figure out.  I get verbally and emotionally abused almost every day, by people who are supposed to care about me.  For as long as I can remember, and even in front of my child, I've been called everything in the book, over and again, without the option to say anything in return. I remember when I first explained how I'm treated to Kitty, and he looked at me while he was only 22 or so, and said that he was amazed I wasn't an addict.  That I wasn't taking drugs to try and get through the day with what they put me through.  And then top that off with y